
Author: Halo

So when i was yong like about 10 i always seen things in the dark weird things every night i yell for my parents when i hear noise but they never hear me so one night i looked at my door it was tooken off so i could see if something was there so i heard this weird scratching noise i thought it was my dog but then i looked out my hallway and saw a weird man all black with orange eyes i got scared and did a stupid thing i ran to my parents room near the hallway i tried to wake my parents up but they wouldn’t wake up then i looked in the hallway and he was right there watching me then my mom woke up then he was gone she yelled “go to bed already” i did as she asked but when i went to bed i woke up he was there at my door that was tooken off and he was watching me but i was so tired i couldn’t open my eyes so when i did one blink i couldn’t see him anymore then the next morning i woke up early and looked in the hallway there were scratches all over the walls in the hallway but my parents couldn’t see it then i looked at the mirror about to brush my teeth i saw a Big Cut on my face and there was somthing writing in blood my blood i thought and it said “It was only the beginning”.

Author: Halo