One Monsoon Night

Author: Calvin James

I live with my parents in Mumbai but due to my work, I live in Kolkata. One night my parents called me home to spend some time with them so I agreed..I traveled alone from Kolkata to Mumbai on a long road which I don’t remember the name of the road but it was somewhere near a forest. I’ve never heard of this path before and there weren’t any vehicles passing by..I ignored that fact and just kept driving even though I was exhausted. The road wasn’t really clear since there was a huge thunderstorm. Suddenly out of nowhere, I saw a women standing in the middle of the road. I stopped in front of her thinking she was a normal hitchhiker but something about her just didn’t seem right..As I lowered the window I saw her slowly looking up to me with her fully red eyes and long black hair,I didn’t mind it since I was really tired and wanted to reach home as soon as possible. She told me she wanted to go to a nearby hotel in a really eerie tone. So I accept the ride and she got into my car. The moment she stepped inside the car I felt a chill down my body. “Something is just not right” I said to myself. I opened my gps and tracked the nearest hotel and started driving my car. The rain was getting worse each minute. “What are you doing wandering around her this late miss?” I asked her. “I lost my way around…sir” she told me in a very cold voice. As soon as I reached to the destination I looked behind to tell her to get down…but the moment I looked behind there was no one there. I got goosebumps all over my body I didn’t know what just happened to me. I quickly stepped on the accelerator and drove as fast as I could. I finally reached Mumbai after an hour and got down at my parents place. They were really happy to see me after many months. As I got all my things from the car something caught my eye from the backseat. I opened the car door and saw a note left on the seat, I opened it and it said..”Thank you so much for dropping me off the hotel….sir” . I couldn’t ever forget that day onwards. I told my parents about it and they didn’t believe me but what I’m curious about is who exactly was that women?..

Author: Calvin James