A Motel Murder

Author: Laura Paulsen

Casey was on her way to Wisconsin, to visit family. She was coming from California, however she enjoys long drives so figured she would just drive. She had been driving for five hours, it was about two am and she was getting very tired. She decided to stop at a small motel for the night. She walked up to the front desk and asked for a room. The woman at the front desk was very quiet, and only nodded and shook her head to answer questions. She paid and the woman sent her to room 109, she walked to her room and went to bed.

At 4 am she heard screaming and banging from the hallway, she tried to go back to sleep but it kept getting louder and louder. After 10 more minutes she was getting very annoyed and decided to go outside into the hallway and see what was going on. She stepped outside but couldn’t see anything so she walked throughout her floor checking the entire hallway. At the end of the hallway she saw figure, it was a man with a deep cuts all of his arms and legs his eyes were pitch black and he was holding a hatchet in his left hand. She ran to her car and kept driving.

About an hour later she stopped at a gas station. She decided to go inside and get a snack before she pumped her gas. She was still thinking about what happened at the motel. So she asked the cashier about that motel. He looked at her very confused and told her that the motel had been closed for years. He continued telling her that years ago someone broke into the motel to rob them. When the owner of the motel attempted to stop him the robber killed him with a hatchet stabbing him multiple times all over his arms and legs. Rumor has it that the owners spirit still haunts the motel to get revenge on the robber. She was terrified to hear this and wanted to just pump her gas as quickly as she could to get to Wisconsin. She stepped outside and began pumping gas, as she finished she closed the gas tank and climbed into her car. She was about to reverse so she looked out her rearview mirror, and her heart stopped as she saw the man she had seen at the motel in the backseat of her car. He then stabbed her with the hatchet.

Author: Laura Paulsen