Bloody marry

Author: Kusum waghela

Hello my name is Kusum Waghela and I am back with another story and I am live in India and this is my second story or incidents happened to me so I am sharing with you all guys please like This story and shareThis incident happened me in Bangalore Internet the car and we went to our auntie’s house and there was my big sister and brother and my small brother then we talk about horror there she told me about bloody Mary that you know bloody married then I called yes I know about the bloody Mary so she told me that when we put three candles and 3am early morning We should call her three times then she come then when she didn’t come at three times you should call her or 13 times then she will come I said okay that’s great but it will be dangerous She told me that first we should be rock paper scissors shoot then we can go inside but alone we should go along then she is coming so I told her nice idea tomorrow then we are playing at the bus initial at 3 am means it it was supposed to be five means almost at 3 am so we played my sister wins the first wrong and then I played with my brother then he went the wrong so I get lose means I will go in bathroom alone so I went to the washroom and it was really dark I lighted up Candles then I told Bloody Mary bloody marry bloody marry and it didn’t work so I tried 13 times And I don’t know what happen in 3am no one is awake then I heard a sound that a woman is telling shush I was very scared and Candles were blinking on the light I call my brother and sister that I had heard that sound no one had believed me it was really scary incident in my life thanks for watching please like share and wait for my other three stories bye

Author: Kusum waghela