The mental doctor

Author: Bairum Fazeel

Once there was a doctor who lived in a tiny village.He was a specialist and worked hard every day even if he was tired he would work at night.One day a murderer sneaked into his house and murdered his family.At that time he was worried but luckily the murderer left as fast as he could but luckily the doctor got to see the murderer’s face.The next day when he was at work,he saw a man that was looking exactly as the murderer.The patient needed a heart surgery,but the doctor thought he was the murderer so he turned the surgery into a disaster.First he cut open the skin and then his heart but he did not wanted anyone to see so he hid the body in his house’s basement.Days later he found out that the patient was the twin of that murderer and was the exact opposite then the doctor spoke to himself “What have i done” Then he quickly grabbed a rope,went to a tree then he hung a rope and said his final words “I do not belong here” And quickly made his suicide.Today i live in the abandoned village and i am still terrified of the suicide and the most chilling thing is that my house is exactly next to the tree where the suicide happened.

Author: Bairum Fazeel