My scary experience with my son

Author: Louise Emmit

It was a normal Night.My son(5 years old) is playing in the playroom while i was cooking dinner while my husband is at work.I had a baby monitor in me so i could check what my son’s doing.I was cutting onions when i heard my son say”stop i don’t wanna play with you”i thought he was just playing with some of his teddy’s so i ignore it.Later that night my son said to me”Mommy can i sleep with you and daddy?” And i said “why?” He respond “cause i dont wanna the boy again..”i laughed and said “honey theres no other children in the house beside you.come on lets get you to bed okay?”Then at 3:00 a.m at the morning i heard my son crying so i looked on the monitor to see the matter and i was terrified when i saw my son in the closet standing .I quickly rush to my son’s room and carried him then ask why is he crying my son responded and said”Mommy i saw the boy in the closet” i din’t believe him at all so i said”why don’t you just sleep in mommy and daddy’s room”and he said “yes”
The next morning my son acted differently when he went to play outside i heard hes talking to someone and saying”Why did you scared me last night”when i heard that i quickly rushed to the backyard and grab my son to go indoor.and i said to him “who is you talking to?”i asked with fear.and my son said “the boy”my face begin to become pale
And said to my some “how about you watch some cartoons in the T.V”That night i told everything that was happening to our son to my husband.My husband was really worried that our son could develop mental issue so we decided to move in a different place away from our old house.After 3 weeks.
Me and my son is in the car waiting from my husband when my son “Bye bye” i called out my husband to start the car and leave.

Author: Louise Emmit