Wrong Number (True Story)

Author: ThrillerTeller

My name is Aliyah and I have a very true scary story to tell. So, when I was younger I wasn’t really a good kid and I was a little bit more of a bad kid instead. My grades weren’t so good and my parents were really disappointed in me. But, I actually wanted to change and get better grades, along with better behavior. One day, my mom got a new phone and told me that if I got my grades up then she would give me her old phone which was a pretty nice phone. She had a iPhone 7 Plus and I really wanted to get it so of course I puked my grades up. Eventually, my report card for 2nd quarter came home and when my parents saw my grades they set up the phone and gave it to me. I was so happy now that I had a phone but of course there were still things that my phone had to have. So, my mom gave me her phone so I could put all of my family’s numbers in. When I had to put in my dad’s number, I saw that he had multiple and I didn’t know which one was the one he was using right now and I couldn’t ask him because he was at work so my mom told me which one she thought it was and we went from there. Also, just Incase something happened my mom and dad had to know my location always so she shared my location with her and my dad. Its now been a while since I’ve had my dad’s number and I never had to text or call him for anything once until we were all at home and my dad was on the living room couch on his phone while I was in my little brother’s room and wanted to annoy him so I text him and said hi. What got replied confused me because the text I got back said “This number is inactive or not able to be used” or something like that. I thought it was one of his pranks so I kept saying hi multiple times. Until, he replied “STOP”. I started laughing and peeked into the living room to see him texting so I walked over to him and said “dad, don’t get all mad because I just wanted to text you”. He looked at me confused and said “ What are you talking about, I never text you”. I still thought he was pulling a joke on me so I said “Go on your messages” and when he did my heart dropped. When he went on his texts I saw that he didn’t even have my number saved and his most recent text was my mom and not me. I gave him my phone and he looked at it and said “Oh no” when he realized that I had been sharing my location with whoever that was. He then stopped sharing my location with them and blocked the number. After that, he gave me his real number and I text him to make sure it was him and this time it was. Now, I don’t really know what could’ve happened or if something would happen. But, now I’m just glad that I never heard from that number again and will always make sure that I have the right number in my phone.

Author: ThrillerTeller