There is something living inside the Amazon fulfillment center.

Author: Tommy Gunz

I’m 31 year old guy from Staten island New York I graduated from the college of Staten island and I went to Monsignor Farrell high School, typical life of a middle class kid who grew up there. Then like a good worker bee I went on to have a career in retail for about 10 years where I at a young age became very successful but that all changed when I moved Florida, being offered a new job better pay and better scenery sounded too good to be true but after while things started becoming strained with my partner he began to beat me and berate me on a daily basis, being in a very abusive relationship I had to leave my career behind to run from the person who was abusing me. So I find myself living in my father’s house again, crash landing here it seems, I would have been completely unemployed if Amazon had not built jfk8 on Staten island they call it JFK 8 because it corresponds to the nearest airport, sorry when you work there for as many hours and for as long as I have you refer to everything using Amazon speak. The first month there seemed almost magical everything was high-tech expensive new sleek clean and efficient I thought I was working 4 a spaceship. But as the time went on and the novelty of everything wore off all you can notice is the time, it never seems to end but also you find yourself getting headaches when you think about it, And there’s only two things that will get rid of the headache, working or leaving the building. For the longest time I thought it was just the amount of work that was causing the relative feeling of time slowing down, but I was very wrong…. One day I saw a group of maintenance people that I had never seen before come in to the building, this was strange to me because I was one of the few people who had been at the building since day one, so I knew everybody.I walked over gingerly to introduce myself to the new maintenance crew but they walked past me without acknowledging me one bit, I just chalked it up to them being assholes and went back to my work, then at around 3:30 in the morning all the lights in the fulfillment center went out all at once and at that moment I felt normal again. I heard screaming in the background cursing and frantic movements I heard someone yell “turn it back on turn it back on, oh my God it’s never been off, what’s going to happen.” And as I was standing on the forklift something happened that I truly cannot explain, a ball of light shot through the wall of the room that they were working in, and went directly through me. I felt a sudden charge through my body and then all the lights turned back on.I looked down thinking I was going to see a gaping hole through my body but to my amazement there was not a single Mark whatsoever, honestly, in utter shock and not really knowing what was happening I kind of just went back to work, but then the headache started again, but this time it was different, more aggressive, more painful, it came to the point where I almost fell down. I put my hands on my head and screamed at the top of my lungs “stop”, and then suddenly time stopped. I walk through the crowd seeing everyone as if they were statues, at first I was terrified then I thought to myself the ball of light it must have done something to me it must have made me either able to move faster than time or make time stop completely, but how I didn’t understand. So like a typical person from Staten island I spent the first day moving through a frozen world punching people in the face that I didn’t like. And when that got old I started opening up packages and seeing what kind of decadent disgusting things people have been buying, and by the way you are all disgusting. After two days of eating salted preserved meats, and drinking Japanese soda that people had ordered I kind of wanted time to start again so seeing as how screaming “stop” stopped time maybe screaming “start” will start time so I try and I try again and I try again nothing’s happening but then I figure this is only something that could be happening inside this building so why don’t I just leave. I run up to the front I go through the security door but then when I get to the front it’s as if I hit a glass wall. I can’t get out, could this be could I actually be stuck inside of an Amazon building for the rest of eternity stuck between time? “Fuck that” I said, Then a thought struck me that I am pretty ashamed I didn’t have earlier, but I was too busy acting like a malevolent God. The room! the room where they had been working where the light came from that’s my only chance. I went to the ship dock where I had been working and went into the room where the unknown maintenance people were and I was met by a very large security door that was luckily left slightly ajar. I walked inside I saw something that I can never unsee. Lying in the middle of the room inside of a glass cube was a being that I had never seen before, it was short, fat, stubby, orange and seemed to be either unconscious or dead. As I walked closer to the cube I felt a slight headache which is then accompanied by words, “you hold my power inside you, give it back!” I didn’t want it in the first place “a beam of light flew into me and now I’m stuck Frozen in Time” the creature then said “your mind cannot comprehend nor handle the idea of time, let alone controlling it” I just wanted this to end “tell me how to give it back” the creature said “open the Cube and touch me, in the time phase I cannot move but my mind still can travel time you must open the door and touch me to regain my power” I thought to myself “what’s to stop you from hurting me once I give it back” the creature chuckled and said “who would believe you” the thing had a fuckin point. The creature reassured me that as soon as I touched it I would wake up in bed everything normal with a sum of money that I cannot disclose because they will know who I am, I touched the creature he looked up at me smiled with black fanged teeth,and I asked it “what are you?” It looked up at me smiled and said “prime” he then kicked me out of the cube and I literally fell backwards onto my bed. I looked at my bank account and sure enough the money was there, and all the memo said was “prime”. I gave my resignation that day, I deactivated my Amazon account, and I don’t think I’ll be getting anything two day shipping in the near future.

Author: Tommy Gunz