The woman peeking through my window

Author: Anonymous

This was a true story that happend to me.I was about 7 years old at the time this happened,I lived with my dad and mom in a little 1 floor house.One night I was watching tv in my room at about 8:00pm at this time my dad would be usually watering the bushes.I got carried away at watching cartoons and I checked the time on the the tv and it was 2:49am past my bedtime.I was confused because usually at about 9:30pm my mom or dad would check on me to see if I was asleep, but this time they didn’t.I didn’t really think much of it I just thought they probably forgot and fell asleep, as I got up from my bed and was going to turn off the tv I heard leaves crunching outside.I thought that was odd because I know my dad wasn’t outside that late watering the bushes but I thought it was probably the wind blowing the leaves or it was just a squirrele.Once I turned off my tv I turned on my lamp.As I was getting on my bed I heard this knock on my window I got creeped out and was starting to get nervous but then I remembered that there is a tree next to my window and usually the branches hit my window.I was under my covers and I closed my eyes to fall asleep.A minute passes and I hear a knock at my window again but this time the knock is louder.I opened my eyes in fear knowing that this time it wasn’t a branch.I got up from my bed and was shaking in fear as I was walking slowly to my window to see what it was.I opened the curtains from my window and my heart dropped when I saw this woman at my window that looked terrifyingly unhuman.The woman had a slight grin and her body and skin including her hair was all grey.I screamed and I ran to my parents bedroom.When I got to my parents bedroom and closed the door behind me at the corner of my parents bedroom I saw the woman standing there with the same grin on her face.I screamed so loud I literally made my own ears hurt.I was surprised my parents didn’t wake up and they didn’t even move a muscle.I try opening my parents door but it wouldn’t open.I immediately start breaking down and I start crying and yelling for my dad and mom to wake up but they still wouldn’t wake up or move a muscle almost as if the woman had them in a curse.The woman then sticks out her arms and starts walking towards me.My heart starts racing and the first thing that comes to my mind is to try to throw something at her.I couldn’t get nothing to throw at her because the woman was already getting close to me so I start running around my parents room and then the woman starts chasing after me and this is going on for a minute.Then I don’t know why but I get one of my parents covers and get all the courage from inside me to jump on the woman and put the cover over her and all of a sudden she disappeared.I was in relief but still shaken up and I immediately start waking up my parents.My parents then wake up and again I was in relief then I start begging my parents to leave the house.My parents then ask me why but I told them that I was going to tell them what all happened when we go into the car and that I wanted to leave immediately.My parents then decide for us to go to a motel.Once my parents and I get into the car and start driving I tell my parents what all happened.My parents face were in shock and promised they would call the cops but I told them that the police would never find that woman because she wasn’t a human but she was a ghost.My parents and I stayed at the hotel for a few days before my dad sells the house we used to live in.2 weeks later we move into a new house but till this day the face of that woman still haunts me.

Author: Anonymous