The stalker in my backyard

Author: Christian Hairston

I was 12 at the time it was Sunday afternoon I was playing video games on my phone until I heard what sounded like a thumping noise coming from my window I ignored it at first once it started to get annoying I looked outside my window and saw a man standing looking at me no one was home at the time except my older brother in his room on the phone I didn’t want to bother him so I called the police and looked back out the window and then as of course he was gone the next morning I was getting ready to go to my after school program when I saw someone wearing all black in the trees behind my house I was scared it turned out my brother was downstairs and saw him to and chased him down until he lost him two minutes later I think he was startled by my brother because he never came back I was relived but I still wonder if he is still stalking me just with me not seeing him

Author: Christian Hairston