The scary incident


This was a real incident happened 2 years ago with my friend shivanya, this is her true village story which is very shocking, 2 years
Ago she went to her village with her full family
Ratnagiri,konkan. She told me that in her village there are many possibilities of blackmagics. When she went to her village, her aunty who stays there told everyone especially the children not to go at the hunted place, it is very dangerous. But afterwards her elder brothers and sisters took a challenge to go there, because they were not believing that there are ghosts. At that time my friends too not believed on ghosts, so she also want with her brothers and sisters. At that night, after 12:00pm they left home quietly and reached at that hunted place.The hunted place was very scary, outside the hunted place it was strict warning that no-one should go inside, but then too we went. Inside there was a house which was looking very scary and old, like somebody had distroided it. When we went inside the house, there were very creepy things like everywhere brokren bangles, a message written with blood like it was written many years ago (message – ,this is my house, how dare you leave here, I will kill you) and too many things especially if black magics which has been used years ago. Everyone were scared, the inside of house was very scary and burnt. After watching all these, everyone ran out of the house, when they came outside the house that met a beautiful married lady, the lady told that she too took the challenge of that hunted place but they told that there is not any ghost inside so don’t go, the lady told ok with a of shivanya’s group took the photos of the whole group in front of house. The lady and their group both went to their own way to home. Next morning shivanya’s brother removed a copy of the photo and showed us. What they saw! The farmhouse and that lady both were not there in the photo, they immidietly showed that photo to their aunty, but thier aunty told them , this house was there many years ago, now it is not there. She told us that many years ago a beautiful married lady has sucided there because her husband left her and her son was died in an accident . And from that time if anybody tried to leave there forever, she had killed all of them, now nobody is leaving there. Her soul is always roaming there to round her son. After earing the story everyone were shocked that how can this be possible? At that night everyone of the group saw the house and lady.