The red car

Author: Vivianna Ventrice her yt is vivianna and kiwi

I was playing outside with a friend in the neighborhood. We were playing freeze tag in my front yard. My friend was 12 and i was about 10 at that time While we were playing i noticed a red car. I told my friend Jenna and she turned her head and we saw a girl and a man in the car. The girl was drving the car and the man was in the passanger seat. They were telling us to come to there car. They were signaling us to come. We were walking to the car but i felt somethign was wrong i told my friend jenna that we shouldn’t go and we ran inside and i told my mom what happen we went back out but the car was gone. My mom called the police because she always believes me and told it serious. We told my police it was a red car. They never found it. But till this day i wonder what would if happened if we both went into the car and my mother never knew.

Author: Vivianna Ventrice her yt is vivianna and kiwi