The People Who Follow Me

Author: C Frazer

For some background – I’m disabled, I’m currently 16 and some people are absolutely creepy. There have been 4 incidents so far since October of 2017, the first one happened at Walmart, I was 14 at the time, almost ready to celebrate my 15th birthday in November, I walked inside Walmart along with my father and headed over towards the Seasonal aisle, while my father was looking at some Halloween props, I was in the next aisle looking at the Halloween masks, I was going to put one on to scare my father, now in the aisle was the creepy paedophile-like lady standing there watching me and a complete stranger’s kid, I immediately saw the red flags but she then started talking about Halloween, trick-or-treating and whatnot but I told her that I’m a Christian and I was only there to check out the props, masks, etc., I came back to my father, we checked out and went into the van and then I talked to my father about what just happened, he overheard the situation but we both decided not to call the police since there’s plenty of paedophiles out there but it happened again, this time at a big box retailer/supermarket, I was walking down the main aisle when I heard someone say “Hello” behind me, I turned to look and saw the paedophile-like lady from Walmart, she asked me a few questions, I ignored her and went up to my father and told him what happened, after that I never saw the paedophile-like lady from Walmart ever again, the third incident I didn’t catch was when I was out with my nephews on a walk, a man wearing AirPods with the latest iPhone in one hand and a bottle of orange Gatorade in his other hand tried talking to us, specifically me but my older nephew gave him a stink-eye and we walked on and then the final incident happened a month later in August of 2018, a couple were behind me supposedly wanting to say “Hi”, I kinda found this situation fishy but didn’t tell my Dad what happened.

Author: C Frazer