The old man

Author: Natalie Colyvas

So I was siting in bed with my best freind Gemma then we heard a noise form outside my house so we went to check then we saw a finger trying to open the gate so we where home alone then we shouted HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING he looked up he was a old man with a knife he got the gate that is when we ran he got the door also then we hid and he looked and looked we where under my bed so then we heard my door open and the down stairs one so my mom and dad came home they came up and my dad puntched him we called the cops they came he was gone about two weeks later we cam into my room me and my dad to find him smelling my pantys my dad kicked him and we called the cops and they got him I still have night mares about him

Author: Natalie Colyvas