the noise

Author: mysterio2000

5 teenagers called Ron Johny Alex Jim Brian where really close friends they did everything together. on Jim’s twentieth birthday they decided to rent an old castle in a small village. for a unknown reason the price was very low and could pay for a entire week so they did it. on the first day they didn’t do much they just explored the castle and partied. on the second night ron and jim heard a strange noise it sound like someone or something was screaming but it didn’t sound human so they decided to take a look. he discovered tha it was coming from the basement so he went down. Suddenly the others heard ron screaming so they went down the basement and found their body’s. the next day they where asking themselves what could be happened to them but couldn’t find any clues and decided to go to the police the next day. That night johnny heard the noise it came from the tower
so he went there to see what it was. When he got there he found nothing but when he wanted to go down something pushed him out of the window and he fell tho his death. Brian and Alex found his body and freaked out they didn’t know what to do. in the morning they decide to catch th one that killed their friends in the night at midnight . At midnight thei gathered in the livingroom and waited untill they heard the noise they followed it and thei came in a hall that split up they saw something written on the wall with blood it said if you split up 1 of you will die but if you keep together you will both die. so thei said goodbeye to each other and split up suddenly Alex heard Brian scream and went back to his room. In the morning he asked himself should i leave or should i face the creature and decided to face it. In the night he heard the noise it was coming from the woods behind the castle so he took a flash light and went to the woods he kept looking for the one making that noise and suddenly one of the villagers heard a scream he called the police and they found Alex his blood and on the trees thei saw a message written in blood it said let the next one come

Author: mysterio2000