The Music Box

Author: Nichole Blosser

I live in West Virginia and recently moved to a new house. It was an old house and it looked creepy. When I first walked in to the house, I suddenly got chills and I felt ill. I didn’t say anything though. I walked up the stairs and to the room that was going to be mine. I laid my stuff on the bed and took a look around the room. As I was looking at the dresser, which was dusty, I heard music. I was shocked. There was no body else in the room and there certainly wasn’t anything that could’ve possibly made that music. Or so I thought. I turned back to the dresser and I froze in shock. On the dresser was a music box, playing a rather familiar tune. It was pink with small white Polk Dot’s and sure enough, there was a ballerina spinning as the music played. I could’ve sworn that the music box wasn’t there when I was looking at the dresser a minute ago. I couldn’t get it to stop playing, so I took it and threw it under the bed. I’m not quite sure how that was going to help but I was scared. A few seconds later the music box stopped playing. I quickly ran down stairs and kept the incident to myself. I eventually told my sister, who is older than me, but she just laughed it off and told me I was foolish. That night, I was having a really hard time sleeping. I laid there on the bad and closed my eyes, hoping I would fall asleep. Suddenly, I saw a figure. I don’t know how I could’ve saw it if my eyes were closed. I tried to open my eyes, but couldn’t. I started to cry and then was able to open them. I saw nothing. I could only hear the sound of multiple people whispering. I couldn’t make out what was being said. I covered my ears and cried. The next day I told my mother. She told me it was just a dream. But what happened was no dream, or nightmare. It was real and I knew it. I tried to get my mom to believe me but she wouldn’t listen. She had to go to work so she was in a rush. The rest of the day, it was just my sister and I at the house. I was sitting on the couch with my sister watching TV. It was all going well until I heard the music box again. My sister saw the horrified expression on my face and asked me what was wrong. “C-Can’t you hear it?” I stammered. She looked at me funny. “Hear what?” She asked. Now I was really horrified. The music was growing louder. “The music.” I told her. She rolled her eyes and told me to stop “playing games”. The music soon became too much for me to handle. I jumped off the couch and ran upstairs. “Where are you going?” I heard my sister call. But I didn’t answer. When I got to the room I looked under the bed, which was where I remembered putting the music box. But it wasn’t there. I was now sweating and confused. I looked over in the corner and saw a little girl. She looked between the ages of 6-7. She was wearing a long white nightgown with tiny pink flowers on it. She had long black silky hair and her eyes were a grayish color. Her skin was very pale. And in her hand was the music box. She was saying something but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. I only heard one thing from her, “Why don’t you like my music?” I didn’t know what to do. The last thing I remember was passing out form the shock. Then I woke up on the bed. The room was silent. I felt nauseous. My sister came into my room with an angry expression on her face. She had a Band-Aid on her four head and a bloody lip. “What the hell is wrong with you?” She shouted at me. I told her I didn’t know what she was talking about. Then she explained. Apparently I had gone back downstairs and beat her with with something and she told me I was humming a tune. I asked her what tune and she hummed it. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. That was the same tune that the music box played. I didn’t tell my sister that when I was attacking her, it wasn’t me. I knew she’d accuse me of “making up stories”. So I just hugged her and said sorry. She was still upset, but she forgave me. To this day, I don’t know exactly what happened, but I still live in that house. There were a lot of incidences that occurred in that house, but I will NEVER forget the ones that involved the music box. Not suprisingly, I still hear the same eerie tune of the music box.

Author: Nichole Blosser