The Miracle Kid

Author: Noah Kizy

So, I have a son and he is not that normal… at night sometimes he would come to my room and say “ah!! There is a lady in my room mom!” and he gets lucky 99.9 percent of the time like on his bike he would fall but luckily grass saved him. Actually there is an incident that happened when he was born. So, when he was born the first 5 minutes he couldn’t breathe and after 5 minutes he started to breathe again. I asked my sister what should I do because jack (the son) keeps repeatedly comes to my room at night saying that their is an old lady who want to take me. My sister told me I should go to a person who can figure out anything so they did. I explained the stuff that’s been happening to my son and she said “ hmmm?” “ is he lucky most of the time?” I said yeah and explained the incident that happened that happened that my son couldn’t breathe for 5 minutes and she said “in those 5 minutes your son went to another world and he found a lady who wanted to take him but he came back to this world” I didn’t believe in this nonsense. So, I just left it and thought my son will grow out of it soon. One night jack came to me and said “bye mom I am leaving” and then I asked where? Then, he said “with my new mom!” suddenly a old lady appeared and they both left! I was said because my son had just left me but also kinda happy because he didn’t have any problems In his life anymore!

Author: Noah Kizy