The Dream Demon

Author: Bella Holt

This happened to my friend, not me. About a year ago our group of friends was playing Red Door Yellow Door. I was guiding him without reading the rules. He saw the man in a top hat. I told him to leave immediately. Then in June of this year, he was at his aunt’s house. He and his siblings, and cousins were playing with an Ouija board. It said its name was One. Ever since he has been experiencing weird things. He has these strange nightmares where the thing is him. After that, the thing will kill him in his sleep. Then, one morning he woke up with a weird pentagram(an upside-down star in a circle) on his arm. Things keep falling over, and he hears strange noises. One time we were on a Zoom and I heard this scratching. Ever since he has had strange experiences. But nobody belives him. If someone knows what this could be please put it in the comments.

Author: Bella Holt