The creature in the dark

Author: Bianca

One night I was having a sleepover in my friend’s house.. We were telling scary stories in the dark because we were pretty bored and wanted to so something scary but we were also scared of getting haunted by a ghost so we thought this was the perfect opportunity since we were together.. So we did and about 10 minutes later, my friend’s little sister asked if she could join, we said yes as long as she sat in the front of the bed because everyone wants to sit against the wall.. She said ok. We continued our story when I say a shadowy figure behind my friend’s little sister.. It looks like a figure with a skeleton head, a good looking vest and a human body.. I’ve seen this figure about 3 years ago.. I saw it when I was woken up by a strange noises and turned to look at it, and there it was.. Till this day, I haven’t told any if my friends what I saw behind my friend’s little sister.. Scared about what they would think about the figure because it was very scary

Author: Bianca