The abandoned mental hospital

Author: Nadia chebli

Hello my name is Nadia and I am 18 years old and this is a story that happened 1 week ago. It was a Saturday night around 1am, me and my friends Emily and Abbie left the club with a couple of guys we thought were pretty cute. They told us they were going to walk us home as it was on the way to where they were going so we went with them. About 5 minutes later we were walking by an abandoned mental hospital and it looked really creepy. The guys kept bothering us saying we were pussies if we didn’t go in so that immediately convinced us to go inside. When we were walking up to the entrance I had an eerie feeling. The mental asylum was a creepy, run down building, there was lots of holes in the floor, so we had to be careful where we were stepping. As we were exploring the mental asylum we heard a loud bang, Emily immediately said she was going to poop herself if we didn’t leave. Me, Abbie and the 2 guys started laughing at her because of her immature and childish behaviour. We went up to the 2nd floor and Abbie was certain she seen a male shadow behind one of the doors, one of the males insisted that her mind was messing with her. Emily said she wasn’t exploring any longer because she felt uneasy and freaked out. We stupidly left Emily and continued searching the building. Around 5 minutes after that we heard a full throated scream from Emily I will never forget. We instantly ran back to Emily but the 2 men grabbed us back, we seen Emily getting dragged away by a tall, older aged man (which was the male shadow she seen). Abbie elbowed one of the guys we were with in the balls and grabbed me and we ran to get Emily. I seen a metal bar on the ground and picked it up and smacked the older aged man across the head, we got Emily and got the fuck out of there. Whatever the guys we were with was trying to do to is certainly wasn’t to explore the mental asylum, the 2 guys we were with and the older age man were obviously planning something. I’m so glad we got out safe and alive.

Author: Nadia chebli