Scary true prank call story

Author: Jacob hunter

My name is Jacob hunter and I was 14 when this happened It was Friday night my friend Harold’s parent were going to be gone the whole weekend we both spent the night eatin pizza with soda once we got bored and started to start prank phone calling. People once we called a number we both regretted calling to this day we tried to get laughes we said stupid things that really heated him up he inturupted us while we were talking what he said really creeped us out he said I’m coming to Harold’s house and I will kidnap the both of you when I find you I know where you both live and he hung up we both had no words twenty minutes later in Harold’s kitchen we hear a bang at the kitchen window we see a tall man staring at us with the most uncomfortable smile we see him put his arm down and look down as if he was looking for something in his pocket as his head is down we take that chance to run upstairs into harolds room and I pulled out my phone and called the police while he goes shuts and locks his door to his room the woman on the other end said we’ll be there in fifteen minutes I say ok and hangs up we hid in his closet we both waited in there for fourteen minutes until we heard heavy footsteps coming toward the room were in he looks under the bed and said oh we’re playing hide and seek he approached the closet we were in about to open it when we hear police sirens he said outside of the closet oh shit he hear the same heavy footsteps fade away and a man voice say drop the knife and hear man down and a gun shot we leave the closet a few seconds later and the police. Said stay safe the whole weekend and leaves the next day we turn on the news and we were shocked the man in his house we were hiding from was a rapist and a pedifile today I’m twenty four I just wonder what he would have done if he caught us but I don’t want to know

Author: Jacob hunter