Author: M.ALI

Hi my name is Ali and this thing happens when I was 11 years old……I came back from school on Friday at 2:30 and when I arrived my mother said that we are going for camping and your best friend zayan is also coming we went for camping on Saturday 7:30 at Pak campers and so when we arrived it was 7:45 pm and so we went to sleep…..then suddenly there was a noise of someone knocking on me and zayan’s room.I assumed it was my parents but something didn’t felt right……then my mother said Ali and zayan open the door…..the house was like my mother but then it became a scary voice and then in a scary voice said come out or u die….me and zayan were scared so we jumped out of the window and on the roof I saw a …………little girls with no eyes and a burned.face.stitched mouthe and wounded body she said,”let’s play hide and seek hahahaahhahaha.”me and zayan ran but it use.she graves me.she was going to kill me by for I g her claws in my head but then zayan hit her head with a frying pan and she fainted then the police came and when we went back there was no body on roof she disappeared when we went to the manager of the camp he was dead and my parents were waiting for us outside so we went and escape now it has been 4 months but still there reports of people found dead in there rooms.

Author: M.ALI