Night Light Fright ?

Author: Vicky Fracas

When I was about 13 years old, my mom, my grandma and I moved into a new house. My mom had recently put up some sensor lights all around the house outside, includong one by the window of my bedroom. These lights were really bright and you could see them through the curtians on the window. They also had very strong sensors, and could detect a car drving by a few feet away. I knew this, so everytime the light turned on I paid not mind. One particular night the light turned on a usual, and of course I ignored it. The unusual thing is… The light was on longer than normal. It would usually stay on for 1-2 minutes, but this…this felt like about 5-6. I thought maybe my mom had put up lights that lasted longer, or the neighbor’s dog was lingering outside. This continued to happen everynight, except the light stayed on longer, and longer, and longer. I eventually grew sick and tired of the brightness shinning though the room, so one night i jumped out of my bed and peeked through the blinds. What I sas would haunt me forever. There was this man standing outside my window looking straight at me. He was probably in his 40s or 50s and had a long l, grey, dirty beard. He had this grin plastered on his face, a toothless grin the sent a chill down my spine. His clothes were torn and it looked as if he had been rolling in the dirt. I was completly disgusted and frightened at the sight of him. I immediately ran to my mother’s room and told her exactly what had happened. We called the police, and turned on the house alarm in case the toothless man tried to come in. When the police arrived, they found nobody by my description lingering in the neighborhood. After that night I always checked the window before going to bed, but never saw him. Although the light no longer shined for long periods like before, i was frightened everytime it turned on. I wonder why he stood out my window. He couldn’t see me because I always had my curtain up. What was he doing out there? I guess he was just crazy.

Author: Vicky Fracas