My Sister

Author: Abuve

June 24th, 2011 is the day my family planned a big camping trip. When we got there we set up and I helped with making dinner with my mom, at a point I looked to my left and saw the outline of a girl in the trees behind a bush. She seemed sad I called “Hey” and she just ran off. My mom has come out and said,”What is it?”, I said,” You didn’t see it?”, “See what?” ,”The girl!” ,”I think you are hallucinating, get some rest.” My mom said calmly. That night though, I didn’t get rest I was woken by s a noise that I felt was made by a human, so I unzipped my tent and looked out and it was too dark to see anything, so I grabbed my flashlight and shined it out and saw the girl standing right over me and she yelled,”HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME ISABELLA!!?!”. I ran to the RV and told my mom what happened and she was so shocked, she locked the RV door and I slept there, but ever since then I hear her saying in my head, “ I hate you sissy!!”

Author: Abuve