I saw a strange hand under my bed

Author: Jeanin

In 2014 I was 7 years old, however I really loved playing with dolls and my computer. I was playing in my computer, I was cutting pieces of paper. Suddenly while I was playing I saw a black hand grab a piece of paper and telling me to go under. I got really scared and tried to call me mom, but I couldn’t speak, I was too scared. The door got locked, nobody had locked it. I only managed to scream “Mo–” then I couldn’t talk, it’s like someone taped my mouth at once. My mom opened the door with a knife, when she opened it I could talk again. She looked under the bed and found nothing. We moved out of the house, people say it’s haunted, some say it’s not and some say it is. Some people have experienced different situations. Some say they saw a woman wearing white with red eyes at 12AM, and others say they saw a black and white shadow walking around their rooms holding knifes but not hurting them. Now I’m about to turn 12 and I’ll never forget what I saw that day. This still is a mystery of the house.

Author: Jeanin