haunted building

Author: FATIMA

hello friend i am nashrah and my sister Sam

we were walking down the street there we saw one building named Sara apartment.the surprised thing was no one lives over there and ones we thought to go inside the building,we went .there we saw many notes written with blood on walls, it was written ”Sara come back” and while seeing this we got scared and thought to run from there .We turned and there we saw one old man saying us ‘wait ,don’t go please .And we walked behind him. He said us that ‘Sara is her daughter and he is the only man who made the building and named his daughters name’.Sam asked about Sara and he replied that ”Sara is dead” Nash got scared and asked how and when.old man said ”one year ago…….everyone was happy leaving here but sudden Sara went up in terris and one man came and pushed her and from that time everything is going wrong no one leaves here and they say this building as haunted.the old man said that he want his Sara back and thus shearching for her.one thing i notice that the man was walked so fast as he is sliding on floor.and sudden he came in front of her and the her watch fall down and for getting the watch she saw that the man was not having legs and she asked the old man about legs and he said ”ohh you got to know about me that i am ghost” and sudden her mom wake up from her sleep.And this dream i cannot forget.

Author: FATIMA