Author: Fr0gie and cousins gaming

One rainy night at about 10:30, I was at my friends house.Let’s call him Max.We were just chilling out on the sofa when Max said to me,”hey have you heard of the haunted cave”?I responded with no and he said: “well it’s about 20 minutes away, and there is said to be a girl who haunts it.”I laughed at this but now I regret doing that.I said “well it’s not really late and we should go” and Max being the daring person he is said”ok let’s do it”.So we hopped in the car and Max turned on his GPS.After about 20 minutes,we got there.I would say the cave just looked like normal cave, but after this experience I now know it isn’t.We got out of the car and Max said “wow” I said “yeah”.We walked in and I instantly felt a chill going down my spine.I didn’t tell Max this because I thought he would think I’m a baby so we walked in.When we got in it looked like a pretty normal cave, weeds , dirt and grass surrounded the floor.We walked further in with only a flash light to give us light. Suddenly Huge bats came flying at us.We were really scared and honestly I felt like running.Then Max made jokes and said to me “I bet that since your a girl you can become friends with the girl who lives here”.I faked laughed and said “hahah sooo funny”.Then I saw a figure standing In front of Max and I.The figure walked towards us and said “hello?” I Stood up straight and responded with “hi?Whos there?”The figure was clear now, It was an old man who looked to be about 60.He said “who are you, do here?”Max said, “no sir”,thinking the man lived here.Then I said “do you” the man said “no..”.He said,” then why are you here” “I said,we read about it online and..wanted to check it out.” The man said,”what part I’d you read about it..” Max said “only the first section, why?”oh no,RUN SAVE YOUR SELFS”we ran as fast as we could, confused.Then we heard laughing from what sounded like a little girl.I turned around and saw what I thought it was..the girl we read about.When we finally got home we read the second paragraph.It said “One day father,Henry and daughter,lily visited the cave in 168.No one knows what happened but Henry stepped out side for one moment and found his daughter lying on the ground.He took her and laid her on the floor of their shack.The next day,she woke up and people say she went crazy.Eventually she died in the mental hospital and Henry died of old age.Many people still visit the cave and say they Henry telling them to run.At this point,I was shook.

Author: Fr0gie and cousins gaming