Abounded house story

Author: Tyler John

So I am15 and I lived far out of town and there was nothing much to do at 12:00 at night so I texted my friend mike and he came over. There is story’s that in the 50s when the long dirt road was getting made and so were the houses someone build a house there and you may be thinking what’s so bad about that ? But the man was a murder and when the cops found him and saw the dead body’s they surched the House and found him, dead. So max and I walked for about 20 minutes before we got to the house. it was VERY old we had head roomers that gangs hang out there. I turned on my flashlight on my phone and walked inside we searched all the bottom level so we took the staircase in but stoped when we heard a cough I whisper to mike was that you buy he said
“No” that’s when my heart dropped
Like idiots we walked up the rest of the stairs and flashed the lights in to one of the rooms
There was a man who had blood all over his shirt when he saw us he ran at us we bolted down the stairs and rain down the road we ran for about 30 seconds but could still hear footsteps behind us finally I saw my house but if was like 2 and I did not want to wake My parents because I did not tell them I was going out. but the door was looked but he stoped like 10 feet away and just froze that’s the first time we got a good look at his face It was all bloody and scarred
He said to us
“ I ain’t gonna hurt ya just wana give you your phone back” like a dummy I dropped it from fear. I said ok .I slowly walked up to him But instead of giving my phone he punched me and I got knocked out. I woke up at 3 and was laying on the couch. Apparently mike beat the shit out of that guy. And I guess the man hade murdderd 3 other people and who knows if we would not have checked in that room if we might have been the fifth.

Author: Tyler John