A strange medical case

Author: Olive

After my graduation from medical school, I was working as DMO in a small hospital, in a remote area, pay was good and since it met my college fee for my master’s degree, I took the offer although many strange stories were attached to the hospital. As I was a junior doctor among the 3 doctors present besides me, I was forced into night shifts, one night I finished my rounds in all 5 floors, and came to my office to rest for a while, 3 men came knocking on my door, I was scared and opened the door, they hurried me out to the hall and I saw a women hurt badly, bruises everywhere bleeding and crying I hurried to give her all the medical attention she needed and after 1 hour I went to check on her, she whispered, I’m coming back again. After few minutes she died. This lady was brutally beaten by her drunk husband and left to die on the road, a few good people managed to being her to me. Few days passed since this incident, and on my last night duty of the month a Male with an accident was bought into the hospital, he was in a bad condition, I somehow managed to keep him alive, and came back to check on him again when he gained conscious, he was frightened and kept screaming that his wife is gonna kill him after a while I sedated him, and learnt that he was the husband of the dead woman. Then I went in to change his antibiotics and I heard a whisper, I wont spare him, I bought him here to die. I saw a demonic figure lying over him and sucking the life out of him. i was freaked out and yelled for help but in vain. and then the man went into cardiac arrest and I fainted. Ever since then I quit the hospital and never returned. Many people have seen the woman since then or so I heard.

Author: Olive