The Closet

Author: Hannah Ruby

All my life I always saw strange things, everything from giant skeletons to disembodied hands that would wave to me. But even though I spent the first 7 years of my life seeing strange things, they never actually hurt me. They just wanted to talk. That changed after my mother and father got a divorce. You see, my father was an abusive alcoholic and during the trail, 7 year old me, my 5 year old brother and my mom ran away to a shelter to escape him. Once things were settled we moved into an apartment across the way, everything was looking up for us. We wanted to start over from the horrors we experienced with our dad but little did we know that we were falling into another nightmare. Our apartment was small and it was in the basement of the building. I got my own room but it felt strange to me. The closet scared me. It had this sliding door and when you opened it, it was like the darkness inside was ink. No mater how much light you tried to shine in there the darkness was oppressive. Inside was a small metal door that locked from the inside. It was covered in paint but it still scared me. The whole closet felt wrong. So every night I would close the closet door in fear. Then one night I was just about to drift to sleep and out of nowhere I feel this huge masculine hand grab my ankle and pull me out of bed. I screamed and flailed, thinking I was being kidnapped. I was being dragged across the floor and when I opened my eyes….. My legged dropped and I was partially in the closet. No one was there, I scuttled back and sobbed. I was in shock at what happened. My mother ran in and all I could do was point and yell “THE CLOSET IS OPEN! THE CLOSET IS OPEN!”.
After, I stayed in that apartment for another 4 months. Nothing happened after that and the dark feeling disappeared. The only change was that every now and then I see a shadow man. A tall fellow, with large hands, who’s body drips like ink…..

Author: Hannah Ruby