Granny’s forest

Author: Ali

This happened on February 16 2019 when decided to summon the scariest creature on the planet that is slenderman. I took a knife, camera and a flash light to have the best video on yt. Then found a forest I went on a road that I can remember it. I prepared my camer while I’m getting ready to start, I saw a car in the forest, ok now you are saying ok a car what could happen so the wasn’t an old crashed car, the scary thing is that the car was a new whit Tesla just chilling beside a tree with it lights turned on I was shocked because on top of that the car was pointed at me. I was so scared but I felt a little little bit relieved because there was no body in it so … ya then I felt somebody whispered to my ear:”you better leave” I turned around but nobody was there I stood there for a sec then walked out of the woods on my way I saw a cabinet lit up and I really didn’t knew for where I’m going so I said to my self let’s go and spend the night with these people and at morning I’ll tip them as a thank for them I knocked on the cabinet and then a Creepy old woman opened the door I told her about myself and she really accept me her husband was better looking from her I asked for water and the old woman (I’ll call her granny) told me how to go to the kitchen I took a cup of water than drink it when I reached the room that granny was there then the scariest part I didn’t find the old woman and her husband there after a sec I felt the presence behind me and was granny holding a knife and she said:”Time to eat honey” I ran as fast as I can out of the cabinet the I made it to my car I entered and start driving and the story didn’t end the same Tesla was behind me and granny was driving it while she was laughing. And she was try to to throw me off the road but Lose her and get into my home and locking it behind me but I didn’t report anything to the police

That was too crazy never forgetting this and thank you for reading

Author: Ali