Double character

Author: Sarena

It was 2 weeks ago this happened to my brother and it was quite scary cause it was the first time this weird thing happened to him.We were all eating our dinner together and the sad part is that he can’t walk because of a disease after we ate our dinner together my mom and my brother were watching movies together in a living room.After watching movie my mom she prepared bed for my brother cause he cant walk he is almost 35 yrs old and my mom turned off the light of his room we were all sleeping quietly then all of a sudden my brother he started screaming and he started making two voices one was of a devil and one his. We were very scared we had no idea about it he was shivering and the devils voice was like I’m gonna kill you’re sin and my brother was asking for help my mom she slapped my brother 5-6 times and he fainted after that we called a priest and he told us that someone had done some kind of a black magic to him. Which was very dreadful.

Author: Sarena